


St Andrew Group

Celebrating Scotland with traditional Scottish Events, social occasions and Scottish Country Dancing

All nationalities welcome

  Venue :   The Phoenix Club, Kato Paphos

Social Evening with dance instruction

Date & Time :   Every Tuesday, 6.00 - 8.00 pm  (see website listed below for details)

Cost :  €2 (Phoenix Club members free).  Bar service available. Singles welcome

Beginners & Improvers Scottish Country Dance + Ceilidh Dancing Class

Date & Time :   Every Monday afternoon (see website listed below or check with Janine for exact timing)

Cost :  €4 (Phoenix Club members €2).  Bring your own beverages. Singles welcome  

New Group Leader: to be announced    Email:
Assistant Group Leader and events organiser: Irene Nova  Email:
Scottish country dancing is proven to be a wonderful way to keep fit, both physically and mentally, and to have some fun at the same time. It appeals equally to people who love dancing and to those who have always needed to be dragged onto the dance floor.

No need to come with a partner. Wear flat shoes (trainers are fine) and comfortable clothes.

See the St Andrew Group’s own website ( for details of other Group events e.g., Burns’ Night, the June Jamboree (a summer ball), the St Andrew Group Ball etc. as well as the starting and closing dates of the winter and spring seasons of the Monday & Tuesday sessions.

Let's dance!