



Date:  Every Monday 
Time:  10.00 am - 12.00 noon
Venue:  Coral Star Restaurant, Coral Bay, Peyia
Group Leaders:  Dave Walker      Email:
   Tom Brown     Email:

The Photography Group aims to provide P3A members of all abilities, from beginners to most experienced, with an opportunity to meet regularly to share, acquire and develop photographic skills in a supportive and friendly environment where they can explore the potential of all aspects of photography, image editing and printing.

Tom Brown
An experienced and highly regarded photographer of many years standing, Tom is equally at home pursuing his own photography or imparting his knowledge and experience to others. He is renowned for his relaxed and informal teaching manner which is conducive to increasing the confidence and motivation of keen amateur photographers.

Dave Walker is an enthusiastic bird and nature photographer. Since joining the group he has successfully expanded his interest to all other genres of photography and has had success in the group’s annual digital photography competitions. He is keen to pass on his knowledge to beginners and assists Tom in developing the group's photographic skills.